The CM has open the path and leads the way, in the relentless efforts by the State, to restore it's right over its own territory and natural resources, especially the O&G.
Subsequent to that, the State O&G unit should follow-up and request Petronas Regional Office to update them on the following.
1) the ongoing project in S'wak water
2) the planned project for the next 3-5 years.
3) the estimated project value
4) the new Standard Work Equipment Category (SWEC).
5) the nos. of active Vendor Dev't Program (VDP), and the nos. of S'wakian vendors.
6) the nos of active Licensed S'wak vendors
7) the nos of active Registered S'wak vendors
8) what are the composition of the projects under the RM2.1b
9) the RM2.1 b , is it for this year or for the next 3-5 years
10) the seismic data for the current and potential fields
11) the 5% royalty calculation .
12) the staff composition ratio for all categories.
If Petronas is genuine in helping the S'wak vendor, then all the major projects in S'wak should be awarded to local vendor. W. M'sian vendor who have the capability and capacity can be the sub-contractor. That way, the local vendor can acquired the job experienced as well as achieveing the human capital dev't .
All fabrication for platforms to be utilized in S'wak should be done in Brooke Dockyard. Even if the project is to be awarded to W. M'sian vendor , they must used the Brooke Dockyard. If space is the constraint, Brooke Dockyard can always arrange with other local fabricators like KKB as they too have the fab yard facilities .
If Petronas can invest over RM60b in RAPID project, S'wak should also demand for more downstream projects.
To-date, Sabah is already ahead then S'wak when comes to getting new projects eg. Samur Project and Ammonia Plant Project.
If no affirmative action is being given to S'wak, then we can say that we have failed in the development of O&G industry in the state.
The key buzz word is affirmative action, or else, everything fails.
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